Recommended reading.

If you want to be a better software engineer, here's a good place to start.
The following tomes currently grace my bookshelves ...

The Mythical Man-Month
Software Project Survival Guide ("The Orange book")
Debugging the Development Process
Rapid Development
Effective C++ (2nd ed.)
Code Complete ( currently number 100 in the top 100 :-)
More Effective C++
Constantine on Peopleware
Psychology of Computer Programming
Writing Solid Code

I've read these, but don't have my own copies ( yet :-) ...

Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries. Sadly out of print :-( Why not nag the author?

And these I don't own, but Amazon thinks I should read ...

Software Engineering Classics (Programming/General)
After the Gold Rush : Creating a True Profession of Software Engineering (Best Practices)

These aren't really software engineering titles, but they're on my bookshelf :-)

Linux Device Drivers
Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers

All the above are in print, and available from with the exception of Obfuscated C, which will try to find.

Finally, this book made it into the automatically generated top ten bestsellers, and suddenly vanished ...